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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Sunday.

Easter used to be my favorite time to reflect on salvation.

However, Since coming to a deeper realization of the depth of the grace that is found in Jesus, and the perfect work of His cross, everyday has become resurrection Sunday!!!

This is a portion of thought that came to me as I was getting ready for bed.

Jesus died on a sabbath. Symbolizing we are to rest from our works and rest in His finished work of salvation.

Jesus rose from the dead at the beginning of the week. Symbolizing that we also may now work. Not to work dead works, but good works in the power of his resurrection.

I wish more people understood what "Easter" is all about.

That it is not about baskets or the pagan goddess of fertility(Esther)represented by rabbits and chocolate eggs...those worthless things have crept in and have robbed them of the wealth of wisdom and life that is at the center of the Gospel- Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.


  1. I know that since the realization of the true gospel, it has taken the stress out of holidays for me. Every day is just as holy as the next and each day brings joy and new beginnings.

    I still eat the "easter" candy. It goes on sale tomorrow. LOL!

  2. Blog revision.
    I wanted to correct myself with this blog since it raised some serious calendar questions.

    Jesus died 3 hours before sabbath not on the sabbath(it was the day of preparation- so they could get him off the cross before 6pm when sabbath started) however he was dead through the sabbath day.

    We "work" from our position of rest within his work.

    It is a better representation to say "Just as Jesus was crucified on the eve of the Sabbath……declaring ‘It is Finished’…….indicating that as God finished His work on the 6th day….and rested on the 7th….."

    John 19 and John 20

